How to Make Delicious Bolgul mini rainbow
Bolgul mini rainbow.
You can cook Bolgul mini rainbow using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Bolgul mini rainbow
- Prepare 4-5 btr of telur utuh.
- You need 180-200 gr of gula pasir.
- You need 1 sdm of sp.
- It's 1/4 of bp.
- You need of pewarna mkanan.
- It's of vanili& garam sckupny.
- Prepare of tepung trigu serba guna 150gr,skm 3sdm,minyak sayur 100-150ml,.
- It's 3 sdm of susu bubuk.
Bolgul mini rainbow instructions
- Mekser telur,gula,sp,vanili smpai putih berjejak.
- Lalu masukkan tepung trigu.n susu bubuk.aduk rata....mekser dg kcpatan rndah..
- Kmudian minyak sayur.garam..
- Bagi adonan jd 6 bag...ksh pewarna. lalu olesi loyang dg margarin....
- Kukus bertahap 1 per1 masing jarak 5-10 mnt. smpai habis...silahkan d coba .
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